Photonics Scotland (Technology Scotland)

UK Photonics Directory Premium listing for Gold Plus PLG Sponsors Photonics Scotland PLG PLG Sponsor
Organisation Information
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Photonics Scotland is a community for all photonics and photonics-enabled organisations in Scotland.

We are the focal point for the sector and a trusted partner to our members allowing us to represent their views to a number of key stakeholders. We also facilitate a cohesive sector, providing a range of events, working groups and networking opportunities that help to drive collaboration between industrial and academic partners.

Ultimately, our goals are simple: to raise the profile of the sector, help grow this thriving cluster, and drive innovation in photonics in Scotland.

Founded as the Scottish Optoelectronics Association in 1994, it is one of the oldest national photonics organisations in the world and remains one of the largest technology communities in Scotland.

Photonics Scotland is a network managed by Technology Scotland, the trade association for Enabling Technologies in Scotland.

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    99 George Street, Glasgow, G1 1RD, United Kingdom