Innovate UK and the Knowledge Transfer Network are hosting events on the 29th October in London and the 30th October in Glasgow to explore opportunities in the upcoming Horizon 2020 photonics funding calls on:-
- Photonics Manufacturing Pilot Lines for Photonic Components and Devices to provide open access to manufacturing of advanced photonics components and systems in Next generation free-form optics and Advanced optical medical device technologies for medical diagnostics
- Application driven Photonics components focusing on
- Photonic devices to support monitoring therapeutic progress,
- Sensor-based optimisation of production processes,
- Photonics system on chip / system in package for optical interconnect applications,
- Photonics systems for advanced imaging to support diagnostics driven therapy
- Collaborative support action to foster careers in photonics.
An additional brokerage event on H2020 opportunities in nanotechnology, advanced materials and manufacturing will be in Birmingham on 20 November.
And there will be a EUREKA EUROSTARS information day on 13 December @ IET in Birmingham. The UK currently has the chair of EUREKA and has committed an additional £5m to this programme which is ideal for SME’s to collaborate with just one or two counterparts in the EU.