Innovate_UK latest Emerging and Enabling competition will open on 22 January. Traditionally the home for many #photonics applications Emerging and Enabling will form strand 2 of a joint call with Health and Life Sciences (strand 1) sharing a budget of £19million. Application deadline is 28 March 2018.
Projects must show significant innovation in one of 4 priority areas:
- Emerging technologies (biofilms, energy harvesting, graphene, new imaging technologies)
- Digital
- Enabling capabilities, including electronics, sensors and photonics (ESP), robotics and autonomous systems (RAS), creative economy and design
- Space applications.
The KTN will be hosting the following competition briefings around the UK covering both Life Science and Emerging and enabling strands.:-
- London, 22nd January (also live webcast)
- Edinburgh, 24th January
- Cardiff, 29th January
- Leeds: 8 February
Given that this is a two strand competition, places at the briefing events will be at a premium, so early registration is advised.
This is in addition to Innovate_UK currently open competitions in Manufacturing and Materials (closing 31 Jan), the ‘Open’ Competition (closing 28 Feb) and the latest Eurostars round (closing 1 Mar)
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