Finding the best new graduates that fit with your business is increasingly difficult. One of the best solutions is to take final year students on for short-term graduate placements.
The South East Physics Network organises an annual placement scheme for physics students in the Physics departments of Hertfordshire, Kent, Portsmouth, Queen Mary, Reading, Royal Holloway, Southampton, Surrey, Sussex and the Open University. Organisations interested in recruiting physics graduates, or who can offer valuable business experience, including large companies, SMEs, start-ups, research institutions, charities and NGOs are invited to submit ~8 week projects in areas from data analysis, mathematical modelling, product design and testing or science communication.
Register your placement project, or projects, o by Friday 9 February 2018. Or visit SEPnet for further information.
The number of student applicants consistently outstrips the number of projects available meaning that for industry the success rate for projects proceeding is very high.
Similar schemes are also available direct from other leading Physics Universities around the UK. If running a placement project with the above institutes is not convenient, contact you local University to explore similar opportunities.