Photonics21 the public private partnership for photonics in Europe has started the process for identifying the research and innovation priorities and associated funding calls to be included the 2023/2024 Horizon Europe work programme.
The seven working groups, reconfigured for 2021, are open to anyone to provide input on where the future opportunities are for photonics and where Horizon Europe interventions would be best placed to make impact. We encourage people to get involved in the various working group workshops where there input is an invaluable part capturing grass roots input on the definition of significant future funding, both directly in photonics and in collaboration with additional vertical market challenge focused groups.
Workshops are being scheduled throughout the autumn and the community is encourage to check the Photonics21 workshop list for the latest updates on which groups are meeting when. All workshops are currently taking place remotely supporting participation without travel.
The UK are full associate members of Horizon Europe and able to participate in, or lead, projects across the entire work programme. Yielding major benefits in improving access and participation, the PLG encourages UK organisations to participate in the process of helping define the future work programme. Especially for those new to EU programmes there is no better way to meet future collaborators than being active in Photonics21 working groups.