Author Archives: John Lincoln

Photonics in Europe- sizing the industry

Photonics21 are undertaking a major new project to update the size of the European photonics industry and increase the understanding of EU photonics markets and trends in Europe. The results will provide a baseline for advocating in favour of Photonics current and future impact in Europe towards decision-makers as well as public and private investors.…

Uk Photonics contact list

Join the UK Photonics contact list

Recent events and the rapid development of industry and innovation policy have highlighted the need to have a method of quickly communicating with the whole of the UK photonics community.  Although we know a wide number of people in the community personally, GDPR compliance means we cannot email you with significant industry updates and give…

UK Research and Development Roadmap is welcomed by the PLG

The publication of the UK Research and Development Roadmap by government is welcomed by the Photonics Leadership Group. The Roadmap identifies the importance of “investing in priority cross-cutting technologies… to support our security and prosperity”.  The PLG calls for photonics to be recognised as just such a technology, contributing as it does to the “resilience,…

Compound Semicondutor cluster awarded £25.4 million from Strength in Places fund

The PLG welcomes the award of £25.4 million from the UK Strength in Places fund to the South Wales compound semiconductor cluster, CSconnected. The award will support a major £43.7 million project to strengthen the UK’s advanced semiconductor materials and manufacturing capability. The Strengths in Places Fund supports the UK’s “levelling up” objectives by supporting…

Expanded support for Innovate grant holders

Innovate UK has launched a number of new support packages for existing innovate grant holders. These include additional grants for fully funding the remaining costs of live projects, automatic 3 month extensions and monthly payments. Apply quickly – Continuity grants are available only until 29 MAY 2020. For those businesses with active Innovate projects facing…

Coronavirus impact survey on UK Photonics and Acoustics industries

The PLG are requesting input to a short, 12 question, survey to gauge the impact of coronavirus restrictions on the photonics and acoustics industries. We are seeking to understand:- How many companies are still manufacturing and where you’ve encountered the biggest challenges, What’s the impact on non-manufacturers, Whether you have made use of government support…