The Compound Semiconductor Applications Catapult (CSAC) are organising a programme of events exploring opportunities for companies and universities to collaborate on joint research and innovation projects to meet the requirements for future telecom networks.
Supported by UKRI India, CSA Catapult has partnered with Unconventional Connections (UK) and Finovista (India) to create this India-UK Partnership Programme consisting of 4 phases that run from September 2021 to March 2022
The programme will explore opportunities for collaboration under 5 technology work streams during a series of online workshops
- Energy Efficient Networks: developing technologies and systems that support increasing data rates while driving down energy requirements across the network
- Resilient Networks: building component and system level supply chains to guarantee future deployment and maintenance
- Secure Design: developing techniques, components and technologies that mitigate the threat of cyberattacks and encryption compromises
- High Density Urban Deployment: developing cost-effective components, systems and architectures to support increasing levels of data in dense environments
- Low Density Rural Deployment: developing cost-effective components , systems and architectures that suport expansion into sparse rural environments
These will be followed by a UK delegation to India and an Indian delegation to UK in early 2022 and recommendations for bilateral projects supported by relevant technology roadmaps.
Contact CSA Catapult to get involved at