Photonics Enabling Productivity Throughout the UK

UK Photonics

UK Photonics

A £15.2bn industry employing over 89,400 people in the UK with nationally leading productivity and global industrial and societal impact

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UK Photonics and Quantum Directory

UK Photonics and Quantum Directory

A fully searchable directory of all companies, research organisations and universities engaged in Photonics and Quantum in the UK

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Vision for UK Photonics in 2035

Vision for UK Photonics in 2035

The future size and impact of photonics across the economy

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UK Photonics Landscape 2023 update

The 2023 update of the UK Photonics Landscape is now available on the PLG’s YouTube channel. As presented to the Princess Royal during her visit to SPIE’s Photonex in October 2023. Further details are available in PLG’s UK Photonics 2023: the Hidden Economy report.


Existing UK Semiconductor Infrastructure

The Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (DSIT) has commissioned a feasibility study to understand the technical and economic feasibility of developing specific capabilities to support commercial R&D, grow the UK semiconductor sector and contribute to supply chain resilience. The study is led by IfM Engage and supported by strong industrial and academic consortium partners…


UK Semicon Infrastructure Workshops

 As part of the government’s National Semiconductor Strategy, the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) has commissioned a study led by IFM to understand the technical and economic feasibility of developing specific semiconductor infrastructure to support commercial R&D, grow the UK semiconductor sector and contribute to supply chain resilience. The study will present proposals and inform…

UK Semiconductor Strategy Launched: key infrastructure needs survey open

The Photonics Leadership Group welcomes the publication of the Government’s National semiconductor strategy. UK strength in photonics and compound semiconductors and the importance of integrated photonics are all emphasised in the strategy. The strategy secures initial funding for the UK Semiconductor Infrastructure Initiative. Inputs are currently sort into a major user group survey to gather…


Spring Budget 2023- Photonics impact

The key elements in the UK Spring Budget 2023 announced 15 March impacting photonics include:- The PLG welcomes the launch of the UK’s Quantum strategy and long term investment for this emerging technology area, so much of which is enabled through photonics.

Future Photonics Leaders committee elected

The election for the first committee of the Future Photonics Leaders (working abbreviation PLNX) group took place on 19th December 2022; the PLG is pleased to announce the elected candidates for each role. To reflect the larger anticipated workload for the Funding Officer role, multiple Funding Officers were appointed. The PLNX and the PLG would…

Who are the Photonics Leadership Group?

The PLG is a voluntary collective of photonics industry and academic leaders nudging policy, strategy, industry and research in mutually beneficial directions