Category Archives: news


Photonics Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda Workshops

The Photonics21 working groups are all hosting workshops in the next month to continue the process of updating the Photonics Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). The workshops will pick-up from the discussions at the Photonics21 annual meeting earlier in the year. With experts inputting from across Europe, updating the SRIA is the first significant…

light bulb

Future Photonic Leaders

Early career photonic professionals and researchers are invited to a virtual sandpit meeting on 9th September to discuss the formation of new Early Career/ Future Photonics Leadership group focused on fostering, supporting and capturing the opinions of those early in their photonics careers that will lead the industry in the future.

Plan B to Horizon Europe

The latest policy paper from UK government provides details of the Plan B alternative and transition arrangements should the UK not associate to Horizon Europe. Whilst it remains the UK’s clear aim to associate to Horizon Europe, the process has become bogged down in broader political issues. During a visit by the then Science Minster,…